P. Selva Shunmugam, M.D., Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor
Department of Physiology
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: +91 98948 28968
E-mail: siddhaselva@gmail.com
Secretary, Health India Foundation
President, Global Center for Siddha Medicine and Research
Member, ASU drugs Technical Advisory board, AYUSH, Government of India
Director, Kalvi Pani, Education Trust, India
Tamil University, Thanjavur, India
Degree: PhD
The T.N.Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, India
Degree: M.D in Siddha Medicine
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India
Degree: Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery
Research Interests
- Integrative Medicine
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Infertility (Male and Female)
- Auto – Immune diseases
- Non Pharmacological approaches including Yoga Therapy for Non-Communicable diseases
- Traditional Siddha Culinary Medicine
Traditional Siddha investigative parameters – Pulse diagnosis and Urine analysis
Selva Shunmugam.P. Neikkuri - One of the Siddha parameters, Characteristics and case study, Journal of Indian Medicine & Homeopathy, Vol. 2, Jan - March (2003), No.4, Page 1-5Selva Shunmugam.P. A Clinical Study on bacterial pneumonia in HIV - Seropositive and HIV - Seronegative patients using a Siddha Herbo - Mineral Combination, Journal of Indian Medicine & Homeopathy, Vol. 4 – 7, July - (2004), No.2, Page 70 – 77.
S.Boopathiraj, Selva Shunmugam.P., M. Subramanian Profile of patients reporting at OPD of National Institute of Siddha, Chennai – 600 047.
Anand Chockalingam Senthil Kumar MauricioSendra Ferrer, Saivaroon Gajagowni , Maxwell Isaac, Poorna Karuparthi , Kul Aggarwal , Selva Shunmugam Arul Amuthan, Arpit Aggarwa, Chetan. Hans , Kiruba Krishnaswamy, Smrita Dorairajang, Zhenguo Liu Greg Flaker aSiddha fasting in obese acute decompensated heart failure may improve hospital outcomes through empowerment and natural ketosis. Explore (New York), 2022 Nov-Dec;18(6):714-718.
Siddha Treatment Guidelines for Selected Diseases, Published by, National Institute of Siddha, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. – WHO Sponsored project.